Call Us At (506) 466-7703
123 Milltown Blvd., Suite 104, St. Stephen NB E3L 1G5

Shop Small Saturday (St. Stephen) – August 2018


Below is information regarding an exciting new initiative to support small business and engage the community, encouraging them to SHOP SMALL BUSINESSES on behalf of the St. Stephen Area Chamber of Commerce and the BIA. 

The concept is to create a recurring event that will entice our local shoppers as well as provide marketing and advertising for your business through multiple avenues. The great thing about this promotion is the flexibility and predictability. Flexible in that retailers are in control of their sales or promotions and predictable in that the shoppers can expect a Shop Small event once a month. 

 What is SHOP SMALL? 

Shop Small is a movement dedicated to support the small businesses and their owners, who together form the backbone of our community. Shop Small encourages the community to support small businesses and shop local first. 


Are you a small businesses owner and a member of the BIA or a member of the St. Stephen Area Chamber of Commerce? If the answer is yes… THAT’S YOU. If the answer is no, we can help fix that! 

 When is SHOP SMALL?

Every 3rd Saturday of the month, SHOP SMALL SATURDAY!  The idea is for participating businesses to provide their clients/ customers with a special offer every 3rd Saturday of the month! 


This initiative has 3 purposes. 1: to get people back on the boulevard and surrounding areas, 2: provide businesses with an opportunity to participate in a community event with return and 3: Provide businesses with an opportunity to highlight goods and services locals may not know about. Businesses will receive marketing and advertising. Participants will be highlighted in special promos on social media and local ads. 

 How to be a part of SHOP SMALL?

If you are interested in taking part in this awesome initiative… trust us, you do… all you need is an active membership with the St. Stephen Area Chamber of Commerce or be a part of the BIA. You can become a member of the St. Stephen Area Chamber of Commerce by contacting Tara Cleghorn at 466-7703 or by email chamber.ststephen@nb.aibn.comOnce you have joined the club, you will receive a SHOP SMALL ST. STEPHEN LOGO to display in your window.  Followers on social media will be encouraged to find businesses with the logo and check out their special offers.